Welcome to the Scandinavian Travel website. When you make a reservation, you and those on whose behalf you are booking enter into an agreement between Scandinavian Travel and others who will provide services for your Tour/Group package. Reservations are subject to the Terms and Conditions outlined below. 


Payment terms fluctuate based on tour/group package,  a deposit equal to 25% of the total price of your entire travel program is required at the time of booking. Notwithstanding, you acknowledge and agree that there may be certain components of your travel program which will require a deposit which may be greater than a 25% of the total price of your entire travel program. We accept payment via credit card, certified check, wire transfer or money order for your deposit. The balance is due 90 days prior to departure. If your reservation is made within 90 days of departure, the entire cost of the trip must be paid at the time of confirmation.  

The parties acknowledge and agree that, in consideration of the work already performed by Scandinavian Travel in connection with the preparation of the itinerary and quote, and other preparations for the trip, the Deposit has been fully earned by Scandinavian Travel upon payment, and the Deposit shall in no event be refundable to the traveler for any reason whatsoever. 


In the event that you must cancel your reservation prior to departure, cancellation fees will be per those stated on the invoice. Tours, trips, and/or any other travel services canceled after a client has tendered its "final payment" as defined by Scandinavian Travel's Contract for Travel Services (including no shows) are subject to a cancellation fee of 100% of the tour, trip, and/or travel services package price (unless otherwise stated); Airline Tickets: 100% cancellation fee; Special event tickets and gift certificates are 100% non-refundable. You will only receive a refund once all vouchers/tickets are returned to Scandinavian Travel. Only written cancellations are accepted.  


Space is subject to availability at time of booking. Special event tickets may require full payment at time of booking. Prices may be higher than advertised due to special events, premium nights and holidays. Travel vouchers and tickets will be mailed upon receipt of final payment. Group reservations and certain tours/packages may have different payment due dates, date change fees and cancellation fees. In the event that the balance is not paid by the due date, Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to cancel the reservation and a cancellation fee will be applicable. 


Your authorization to use your credit card number for payment indicates your agreement with our booking Terms and Conditions, whether or not you have signed the appropriate draft. For travel agency bookings, a letter of confirmation signed by the cardholder authorizing the use of the credit card without a signature must be kept on file by Scandinavian Travel. In the event that a cardholder refuses to honor a charge, the travel agency will be held responsible for the full payment. 

Prices are subject to change without prior notice. If the total price of the travel services is increased more than 7%, you have the right to cancel the reservation and obtain a full refund. No price increases will be made after you have paid in full. 


Valid passports are required for travel to most destinations. Check with the appropriate consulate or embassy for the latest visa requirements. It is your responsibility to obtain all proper documentation to travel, including but not limited to a passport, any required visas, reciprocity fees, affidavits, immunizations, vaccinations, etc. which are required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region which comprises part of your travel program. Scandinavian Travel does not provide advice on travel documents and makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided on visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, or special equipment and you agree that Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this information. 


Weight restrictions may apply on internal flights and/or on cruises. Baggage and personal effects are at owner's risk throughout the travel program. It is your responsibility to check with (i) the Cruise provider and/or (ii) the airline, each as applicable, for other baggage restrictions applicable to Cruises and/or internal and international flights, each as applicable. 

Lost/damaged baggage is the responsibility of the supplier not Scandinavian Travel. 


Any and all prices which comprise the whole, or a part, of your travel program are based on current rates of exchange, tariffs and taxes. Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to increase the price of your travel program in the event of (i) increased costs from suppliers associated with your travel program, (ii) tariffs and taxes, and (iii) fluctuations in foreign exchange markets.Scandinavian Travel also reserves the right to withdraw a tour or any part of it to make such alterations in the itinerary or with the tour inclusions as it deems necessary or desirable and to pass on to tour members any expenditures or losses caused by delays or events beyond its control. 

Itineraries and arranged –sightseeing tours are subject to change at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond Scandinavian Travels control. Every effort will be made to operate tours as planned, but alterations may occur after the final itinerary has been issued. 

In the event you request a change to your travel component, you acknowledge and agree that any such requested changes may incur additional fees charged to you by Scandinavian Travel 

It's your responsibility to ensure that you have the required documents for entry to the destination. In the event that you are denied entry for any reason, no refund for unused services will be considered.  

Should Old Sod Travel Credit card incur charges outside of the agreed upon itinerary, including but not limited to hotel incidentals, upgrades, dinner cancellation fees etc. 


Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for unforeseen flight delays or schedule changes imposed by an airline. Air schedules may be subject to change at the discretion of the airline. Any cancellations or changes to airlines reservations are subject to any cancellations penalties imposed by the airline. 

Lost/damaged baggage is the responsibility of the supplier not Scandinavian Travel.. 


In the event of a typographical error, Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to re-price or change any quote or reservation with or without notice. 


Unused services are non-refundable and non-transferable. 


The purchase of medical and trip cancellation/interruption insurance is strongly recommended. 


Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to make any changes to the travel package, including changes to hotel accommodations, golf outings, tours, transportation and schedule with or without notice. No compensation will be provided for modifications to travel services. Hotel preferences such as bedding are on a request basis only. 

CANCELLATION BY Scandinavian Travel 

Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to cancel any reservation at any time prior to full payment. In the event of cancellation, our liability will be limited to a full refund of all payments made to Scandinavian Travel. 


Local conditions may differ from those in your home country. Scandinavian Travel cannot be held responsible for any sickness or inconvenience arising as a result of the different living standards. 


Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for any inconvenience arising from hotel or accommodation construction. 


Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for factors beyond our control which alter the accommodations, trains, flights or activities purchased. All photographs in any brochure and/or website are purely representational and are not a guarantee that everything will be as depicted upon arrival at your destination. 


Scandinavian Travel and/or its suppliers cannot assume liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from an Act of God or any other force majeure. 


Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to decline to accept any person as a member of a trip, or to require any participant to withdraw from the trip at any time when such action is determined to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the group or the individual participant. No refunds will be provided and the person is responsible for any transportation expenses to return home. Trip participants may be photographed for promotional purposes and no compensation will be provided. 

17. Scandinavian Travel RESPONSIBILITY

The liability of Scandinavian Travel, it's shareholders, directors, employees, agents and affiliates (collectively "indemnified Parties") for any loss, damage, or injury of any nature or kind whatsoever, arising out of its own acts, omissions or negligence, is limited to the amount paid for the vacation package. Except as set out above Scandinavian Travel will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever to person or property. Scandinavian Travel is not liable for any third party omissions. 

Scandinavian Travel, its employees, officers, directors, successors, agents and assigns, does not own or operate any entity which provides goods or services for your trip. Scandinavian Travel purchases transportation (by aircraft, coach, train, Cruise or otherwise), hotel, and other lodging accommodations, restaurant, ground handling and other services from various independent suppliers (including from time to time other affiliated Scandinavian Travel companies). All such persons and entities are independent contractors. As a result, Scandinavian Travel is not liable for any negligent or willful act of any such person or entity or of any third person. 

Scandinavian Travel, acts solely as agents for the client with respect to all transportation, hotel and other tour arrangements. In that capacity, Scandinavian Travel exercises all reasonable care possible to ensure the traveler's safety and satisfaction, but, Scandinavian Travel neither assumes nor bears any responsibility or liability for any injury, death, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity arising in connection with the services of any airplane, train, ship, automobile, motor coach, carriage, or other conveyance, or the actions of any third-party involved in carrying the traveler or in affecting these tours. Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for damages, additional expenses, or any other losses due to cancellation, delay or other changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, civil disturbances, acts or threats of terrorism, travel warnings or bans, termination or suspension of war risks or other carrier insurance, quarantine, acts of God or other causes beyond its control. All such losses must be borne by the traveler, and tour rates provide for arrangements only for the time stated. Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for delays, changes or cancellation costs due to incorrect, incomplete or expired traveler documents. In the event of cancellation, delay or rescheduling mandated by any of the aforesaid causes beyond Scandinavian Travel' control, the passenger shall have the option of accepting in lieu of the original tour such rescheduled tour or other substituted tour(s) as may be offered, or else, receiving a refund of as much of such advance tour expenditures as Scandinavian Travel can recover on the traveler's behalf from carriers, Cruise(s), third-party tour vendors, villa owner(s), etc., but, Scandinavian Travel shall not have any obligation or liability to the traveler beyond the foregoing. Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to make alterations to the tours itinerary and to substitute hotels, vehicles, ships, or activities if this is required. Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to cancel, delay, or reschedule any tour prior to departure, and, so long as this is not due to any of the aforesaid causes beyond our control, the passenger shall be entitled to a full refund of all monies paid to that point if he/she so desires, less any non-refundable deposits or uncollectible expenses incurred. 

In addition and without limitation, Scandinavian Travel is not responsible for any injury, loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection with the provision of any goods or services whether resulting from but not limited to acts of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labor activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other failure of aircraft or other means of transportation or for failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time. 

Risks: There are certain inherent risks in adventure travel of the type involved here. These include, but are not limited to, hiking, climbing injuries and altitude sickness, and in all trips dangers of animals, inaccessibility to medical attention and difficulty in evacuation from remote locations in the case of a medical emergency. Passenger assumes all such risks with regard to these possibilities. 

Travel Advisories/Warnings: It is the responsibility of The Traveler to become informed about the most current travel advisories and warnings by referring to the U. S. State Department's travel website at www.travel.state.gov/ or by phone at 1-888-407- 4747. In the event of an active State Department Travel Warning against travel to the specific destination location(s) of the trip, should The Traveler still choose to travel, notwithstanding any travel advisory or warning, The Traveler assumes all risk of personal injury, death or property damage that may arise out of the events like those advised or warned against. 

Arbitration Agreement: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating in any way to these General Terms and Conditions, to the Responsibility Clause, to the brochure, or any information relating in any way to the trip, or to the trip itself, shall be settled solely and exclusively by binding arbitration in Massachusetts, US, in accordance with the rules of the Arbitration Association then existent. 

Travelers Representations: The Traveler represents that neither he nor she nor anyone traveling with him or her has any physical or other condition or disability that could create a hazard to himself or herself or other members of the tour. Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to decline to accept anyone on a trip. Scandinavian Travel reserves the right to remove from the trip, at his or her sole expense, anyone whose condition is such that he or she could create a hazard to himself or others, or otherwise impact the enjoyment of other passengers on the trip. 


You agree that any claims against Scandinavian Travel shall be made in writing and received by Scandinavian Travel no later than 30 days after the event causing the claim. Claims made after 30 days will not be responded to. 


The exclusive venue for all claims, actions or proceedings against Scandinavian Travel and its parent company arising out of this contract shall be in the State of Massachusetts, USA and such claims, actions or proceedings shall be determined according to the laws of Massachusetts 


The invalidity of any provision contained here in shall not affect the validity of any other provision. Your reservation deposit indicates acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions and limits on responsibility. 


Scandinavian Travel, acts only as agent for Client in acquiring transportation, hotel accommodations, sightseeing and other privileges, or services for the Client's benefit, and on the express condition that Scandinavian Travel shall not be responsible for any loss, accident,injury, delay, defect, omission or irregularity which may occur or be occasioned, whether by reason of any act, negligence or default of any company or person engaged in or responsible for carrying out any of the arrangements, or otherwise in connection therewith. Scandinavian Travel, shall not be liable for any injuries or any damage to any client or be subject to any claim, demand, injury, or damages, whatsoever, including without limitation, those damages from acts of passive or active negligence on the part of Scandinavian Travel, its officers, employees, or agents. Client does hereby expressly release and discharge Scandinavian Travel from all such claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action. Client acknowledges that he/she has carefully read this paragraph and fully understands that this is a waiver and release of liability. 

These terms and conditions were updated on September 21 2024 

Scandinavian Travel is a dba of The Old Sod Collection, LLC company